Drifter: Friday, November 03, 2006
The face that stops traffic
... on a regular basis - I dare add.



Disclaimer: Before anybody starts pointing out, I'm gonna do it myself.
I hereby declare that I shot this picture in shitty light using a shitty camera. The only thing that surpasses my camera and the illumination in its shittiness is my absolutely shitty sense of comic timing.
If anything in these pictures looks even remotely good, I am not - repeat, NOT - responsible for it, and any sign of wit in this post is purely an accident.



Disclaimer: Before anybody starts pointing out, I'm gonna do it myself.
I hereby declare that I shot this picture in shitty light using a shitty camera. The only thing that surpasses my camera and the illumination in its shittiness is my absolutely shitty sense of comic timing.
If anything in these pictures looks even remotely good, I am not - repeat, NOT - responsible for it, and any sign of wit in this post is purely an accident.