The Iceman .cometh

if your computer is incapable of rendering in 1024x768, you have no business being here


Out of the night that covers me,
black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance,
my head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Drifter: Thursday, October 06, 2005

for all those crazy people...

This is for all those people who have so much free time that they post comments out here.
I won't say "fuck awf" or "get a life" or "mind your business". Hell, I need all the comments I can collect.
There's just one tiny thing you need to keep in mind. Those dang < i >, < b >, < blockquote > tags don't show up right. At the first instance of any such tag, the rest of the comment switches to Mr. India mode. All that appears is a /* and everything after that simply disappears.
So here's what I wanted to say.
By the way, I do have a devious way of reading what was originally intended to be written. It's elementary. Anybody facing a similar problem can try it out. The comment is intact in the page's source code. Just say "view source" and hunt for it.

Blogger maxdavinci's 2 cents... Blogger Drifter's 2 cents... Blogger DJK's 2 cents... Blogger Drifter's 2 cents... Blogger maxdavinci's 2 cents...
  • well screw opera, firefox 1.5 beta is here!

    n by the way if u still like mf***soft there is IE7 that also uses tabs!

  • October 09, 2005 11:37 pm|  
Blogger Drifter's 2 cents...
  • Awright, Max. You're on MY turf, now.

    a. FireFox 1.5 beta [like that's supposed to mean something]. By sheer numbers, Opera leads. Do I need to show you that 8 >> 1.5?

    b. Mf***soft sucks. Fine, I don't exactly adore Billy boy or his brainchild but I do know that ever since I have been using computers, it has been on the Mf***soft platform. Most importantly, I haven't paid a thin dime for any version of Mf***soft software I've used so far. Neither have you. So if I don't like Mf***soft, I'd have to either start paying and then cuss or dump it and use something else. I suggest you do the same. But for all I know, you're still there flaming Mf***soft on a PC running Windows XP [or Vista] just because it seems like the cool thing to do.

    c. Tabbed browsing. Big motherfucking deal.

    d [bonus gyaan]. And now for some basic physics. Whatever goes up HAS to come down. The USA, Microsoft... everything. As you keep moving ahead, you collect deadwood that sometime or the other starts retarding you. Microsoft is in that phase. Don't make the abysmal mistake of thinking that Google is immune to this. Judging by what I've seen, it's slowly derailing. Why? Because a software company run by geeks gives SQUAT about the way a dude dresses up to an interview.

    The moral of all this crap is: When you get something for free, enjoy it or chuck it. use the CD as a frisbee or whatever, but do NOT flame it because you weren't meant to use it anyway. Your ass could end up bankrupt if you did.

  • October 10, 2005 5:17 am|  
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