The Iceman .cometh

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Out of the night that covers me,
black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance,
my head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Drifter: Monday, November 07, 2005

Die, mankind. Die.

Katrina, Rita, Teena, Meena, Sabena, tsunami, punani, earthquakes, acid rains, flood, blood, mud and all.
Mankind is the single most depraved species on this planet and I'm ashamed to belong to this species.

Went home after eons and while I was strolling along at 4.30 AM, I saw something that completely unstrung me. It's a nondescript town called Rajahmundry. There's a huge paper mill that's the backbone of its economy. True to form, this factory was belching smoke. One couldn't tell where smoke ended and clouds began. The major ingredient in this ungodly suspension is SULFUR DIOXIDE. It stinks so bad that nobody in a ten kilometer radius can breathe free.
I wouldn't be surprised if it rained sulfuric acid in the future. Hell, I'd be glad. I'd rejoice on the day mankind falls prey to its own machinations.

I remember reading a little bit of Battlefield Earth during my bench period and now hope that soon, something descends and puts all mankind in its rightful place: the place we usually reserve for termites and assorted pests.

If one factory in the pint sized Rajahmundry can create a canopy of sulfur laced smoke over half the town, I shudder to think what goes on in all our "industrialized nations".
The consequence:
a one-way shield that lets heat and radiation in and keeps it there;
polar ice caps melt;
fresh water from melted ice mixes with saline water in the oceans at an accelerated rate;
tidal currents are fucked up;
and so are weather patterns;
the beginning of the end.

All this because of what?
A pesky, self important species that thinks it can crap on Nature forever.
A species that wants to chop down trees and use the resultant paper to wipe its arse or use the wood to build intricate coffins to put stiffs in, converting the planet into a huge greenhouse in the process.
Dad once told me that he had seen an engine that ran on WATER about fifty years ago. It split water into hydrogen and oxygen, burnt hydrogen in oxygen and got energy and water again as a by-product. The inventor was "silenced" by oil cartels who feared they'd go belly-up if this thing came into the spotlight. Look at what's happened in these fifty years.

Science and innovation are dictated by politics and economics. A bunch of power brokers and money mongers use their collective strength to suppress anybody or anything that's even remotely detrimental to their unscruplous business.

We kill animals to wear them, step on them, sit on them or hang their heads like trophies. Why is cannibalism taboo, then?
We chop down trees and clear forests to make room for more and more of our sinister designs.
We clog oceans and rivers with effluents, medical waste, plastic, nuclear shit...
And despite all this, when a "natural" disaster strikes, we gripe about the "fury of nature" and "poor victims". I repeat...

I completely agree with Nicholas Cage in The Rock when he sez something like "...even thinking of bringing a child into this world should be considered an act of cruelty..."

What saddens me most is that despite all this ranting, even I'm hooked to all this. Try as I might, I simply cannot shake this curse. Makes me feel ashamed to be alive. Makes me pray for another disaster to strike with me at Ground Zero and instantly smash me to pulp.

Mother Nature deserves her revenge... and we all deserve to die.

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